Juniper Peak from the...

Juniper Peak from the...

Juniper Peak from the trailhead. It's the peak on the right. The other formation is Rainbow Wall, a sheer 1,200 foot wall. There's a great class 3 route to the top of Rainbow Wall!
on Mar 11, 2002 11:23 pm
Image ID: 5515


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John - Mar 12, 2002 10:12 am - Hasn't voted

Which one?

Which peak is Juniper Peak? I'm guessing the one in front. Do you know the name of the peak in the background? Thanks.

BranchWhitney - Mar 12, 2002 9:38 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Which one?

I didn't take time to label the peak, sorry. The peak behind is Rainbow Wall. It's a 1,200 foot wall. We have a class III route to the top of the wall.

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