Volcán Xinantécatl (aka...

Volcán Xinantécatl (aka...

Volcán Xinantécatl (aka Nevado de Toluca) on Nov 24, 2002. El Pico del Fraile (15,354') is the high point on the ridge (left of center in photo) and Laguna del Sol (~13,260') is the crater lake. Four of Xinantécatl's 5 major summit routes can be seen from this photo: Crater Rim from South (left ridge - class 4), Crater Rim from North (right ridge - class 3), South Scree Chute (climber's left of summit - class 2), and North Scree Chute (climber's right of summit - class 2). The class 2 West Ridge ascends the outside of the crater and is not seen from vantage point.
on Dec 11, 2002 8:37 am
Image ID: 14780


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Huberschwiller - Jan 6, 2003 1:15 pm - Hasn't voted

Fantastic !!

I am fascinated by the contrasts of the colors. Softs greys and in the middle an incredible green lake.


John - Jan 27, 2003 9:43 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Fantastic !!

I'm not sure why the lake is so green but it is very striking to me as well Huberschwiller. Perhaps someone could fill us in? This is definately a peak I would like to visit again.

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