Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 43.99290°N / 113.5378°W
Additional Information County: Custer
Activities Activities: Hiking, Mountaineering, Scrambling, Skiing
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Elevation: 11309 ft / 3447 m
Sign the Climber's Log


Location: South-South Eastern part of the range, typically accessed from Pass Creek Road.  Sits at the head of a large alpine basin as the tallest peak in the immediate vicinity.  Could also be accessed from upper Lower Cedar Creek.

Nearby Peaks: Octoberfest Peak, Hidden Peak, South Wet (Pinhead's Revenge), USGS, Warren Mountain, Sheephead Mountain

Linkups: Warren Mountain, Octoberfest Peak, Hidden Peak, South Wet

Difficulty:  Class 2-3 from SE / Class 3 from North

Usage: Hiking, Skiing, Scrambling, Scientific Experimentation

Terrain:  Relatively solid scree and talus above broad and open high altitude meadows.  Ridge is long and broad with steep east face drop off and gentle west slope.  North ridge is rocky and steep.

Traffic:  Very light traffic.  The taller 12's of the region see most of the traffic.  If you saw another party here, it would be unusual. This peak is often done as a multi peak traverse with Octoberfest and Hidden. 

Summit Register:  Yes.(60th tallest mountain in Idaho) 

History / Entomology:  Named for the triangulation station listed on the USGS map (remnants remain).

Bear Creek Lake

Getting There

Nearest Paved Roads:  ID-93

Nearest Dirt Roads / Conditions:  Pass Creek Road (good), Bear Creek CG Road (rough)- To reach the end of the road may require 4WD, otherwise a sedan could park 0.75 miles from TH.

Approach Trails / Conditions:  Bear Creek Trail (good)

McCaleb and USGS


Main Route:  Bear Creek Trail to the Bear Creek Lake trail.  Once at the Lake contour around the lake (east) and head north up a narrowing drainage.  At the Octoberfest-Hidden saddle, follow the open basin to either the saddle between Wet and South Wet  or the saddle between Hidden and Wet.  The north ridge presents more route finding and steeper scrambling.  The southeast ridge is an easy walk up.

Descent:  Retrace your steps.

Main Route Stats:  11 miles / 4851 (round trip) / 16% Average Grade

Average RT Time:  4-6 hours


Traverse Route:  Follow the Bear Creek Trail to the pass between Warren and Octoberfest.  Follow the ridge to Warren Mountain, retrace steps and follow the broad ridge west, then north onto Octoberfest (Class 2).  From Octoberfest, drop to the saddle with Hidden.  Either gain Hidden's northeast ridge from the basin (Class 3), or use the southeast ridge (Class 3).  From Hidden, descend to the saddle with Wet.  Climb the north ridge (Class 3).  Depending on exact route and snow, this section could go Class 3-4.  From Wet, follow the broad ridge south to the obvious saddle with South Wet. There's a hydrological container of some type at this saddle.  Climb the north slopes to South Wet (Class 2).

Descent:  Follow the scenic ridge northeast to the upper Bear Creek Basin (Hidden-Octoberfest saddle).

Main Route Stats:  15.1miles / 8095 (round trip) / 8% Average Grade

Average RT Time:  9-12 hours

Octoberfest from Warren

Red Tape

Jurisdiction:  National Forest (Challis National Recreation Area)

Permit:  No

Other Users / Issues:  Pack Animals

Maps:  USGS Quad- Massacre Mtn, Mackay

Guide Book:  Tom Lopez,  Idaho: A Climbing Guide

Limestone Goalposts

When to Climb

Climbing Season:  Summer, Fall (June-Dec)

Ideal Climbing Time:  June-Oct

Nearest Weather Station:  Mackay

Weather Relative to Region:  located in the southern part of the range and overshadowed by the larger peaks, this area sees less precipitation and melts out earlier.  Like much of the Lost River Range, you can often climb with little snow until Dec or Jan.  From Mar-May, the area receives the bulk of it's snow.  Winds are usually strong on the ridges.

High Altitude Science?


Car Camping Sites:  Bear Creek Campground areas offer lots of drive in camp sites plus many primitive sites along Pass Creek Road.

Backpacking Sites:  Bear Creek Lake or the upper basin are ideal sites

Bear Creek

Flora & Fauna

Potential Wildlife:  Badger, Beaver, Black Bear, Mule Deer, Pronghorn, Cougar, Coyote, Elk, Marmot, Marten, Moose, Mountain Goat, Pika,

Confirmed Wildlife: Pika, Elk, Mule Deer, Mountain Goat

Vegetation:  Stinging Nettles, Willow, Berry Brush, Pine (little vegetation above 8600 ft)

Above Bear Lake

Traverse Map

South Wet Register

Wet and Hidden

Upper Bear Creek towers

USGS from Hidden Peak



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.