markhallam - Aug 28, 2013 12:33 pm - Voted 10/10
Nice trip......and your usual lovely Alpen-glow photos!
I remember your 2011 photos - looking at the back of Dent Blanche if my memory serves me correctly. And now you have some lovely views of the Zinal Rothorn, another old friend of mine, from a very long time ago.
And this year, we looked at visiting the Bishorn to acclimatise on for the bigger peaks, but went for Cima di Jazzi when we realised we didn't have enough time to get in and out of this more remote area... also we had heard the rumours you have now dispelled on the Tracuit Hut!
I'll bear it in mind for another year - so thanks Eric!
best wishes, Mark
EricChu - Aug 28, 2013 3:58 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Nice trip...Thanks a lot, Mark - nice to hear from you! Yes, in 2011 it was mainly Obergabelhorn, Dent Blanche and Pointe de Zinal I aimed my camera at. The Zinalrothorn's south side was maybe a bit less exciting from the Grand Mountet. This time, viewing it from the north, the Zinalrothorn was something like a main character in a movie for me!
You should go to the Tracuit hut, if you can - the new hut is excellent. No complaints from my side whatsoever! But make sure you arrive by six o'clock in the evening latest, if you want to have dinner (the fixed time is 18:30) AND take sunset pictures in front of the hut...I got there at more or less eight o'clock in the evening, and they were pretty fussy... :D
Cima di Jazzi is surely a great peak as well! Any photos? Should have a look on your page...
Cheers and all the best to you, Mark,
selinunte01 - Sep 17, 2013 6:49 am - Voted 10/10
Nice TRand absolutely phantastic photos - thanks for sharing them.
I was once staying in the old Cabane du Tracuit and I have to say that it wasn´t that bad; it was an old hut with the toilets hanging above perpendicular rock faces and some tubes bringing ice cold water from the glaciers to some bathtubes in front of the hut where you could do your "personal cleaning" - old swiss standard on high huts :-) The staff was friendly as long as you spoke French with them but that is the style on the Swiss- french huts. Nothing too unusual.
Cheers, Michael
EricChu - Sep 17, 2013 12:37 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Nice TRHi Michael - thanks for writing and also for your comments on the old Tracuit hut! I said above, I never was at the old hut myself...I had to chuckle when I read what you wrote about the toilets and the ice cold glacier water for washing one's self - haha! The new hut has a SHOWER in it - with warm water!!! And the toilets are in the hut itself, on the lowest floor! Hardly any difference from going to the toilet in a restaurant down-town!
As to the friendliness, that I can confirm. The people were very friendly both in the Tracuit and the Ar Pitetta hut. The wife of the warden of Cabane de Tracuit even spoke some German - I heard her talking to some climbers from Germany. Of course, speaking French - and thankfully I do - is always of big advantage in that part of the Valais...
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