This trailhead gives access to the southern terminal of the Maah Daah Hey Trail. The Maah Daah Hey Trail is a 96 mile trail that passes through both the North and South units of
Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. This trailhead also affords access to the 20 mile Buffalo Gap Trail, which bypasses the south unit of TRNP.
Getting There
The trailhead is located in the Sully Creek State Park campground, 3 miles south of Medora, North Dakota. Medora is located approximately 135 miles west of Bismarck, North Dakota on I-94. To access the trailhead from Medora, turn south from Pacific Ave. to East River Road South. After .5 mile, the road turns to gravel. At 1.9 miles, turn right on 36th Street at a sign for S.C. State Park. Follow the road to the campground entrance and trailhead parking.
Additional Info
National Geographic Trails Illustrated topo map #259 is the most up to date for use on the Maah Daah Hey Trail and in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. "The Maah Daah Hey Trail, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, and the Dakota Prairie Grasslands" by Hiram Rogers is the most current and thorough trail guide available.