Bob Burd wrote:Daria wrote:Do I need to start a separate summitpost thread on the virtues of bras-less habits and lifestyle?
By the time you're my age, the downside will be far more apparent.
Below are the following reasons for why that is something I won't have to be worried about, "Bob-a-loo":
1. I self proclaim to intimidate men, since I'm category 2
2. I'm Bob Burd-proclaimed, the "Charles Manson" of peak bagging
3. I have black toenails and skip showers when I can get away with it
4. I've been shunned by 99.999% of the human population just for being blonde and reinventing the concept of the dayhike into something that consists of 26.5 consecutive hours, and must now resort to paranormal communications and constructing hypothetical affiliations with aliens.
5. I refuse to get romantically involved with men who are not nearly equivalent in appearance and body to Daniel Craig.
6. Sometimes, I dress up in monochrome colors, just because I feel the need to do so and I need to compete with Moose Woman. I'm pretty crazy.
These are just a few of the reasons for why I am doomed to be single for the rest of my life, my prospects with the male race have been added up and the results are in! They equal zero!