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Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:20 pm
by mtnlvrgirl
Deb wrote:
polioter wrote:Don't worry about Deb, she is all talk. Just like the bike hey Deb. The granite in the whitney zone would have to be close to the best. Thor, Lone Pine and Russel have the best Alpine rock I have ever seen. But that stands to be corrected just like when you told her I was a little shit hey Deb. Just like when you didn't look after her for me and let her go to Utah with that creep when you said you would go hey Deb. Pfff talk about unreliable.

You are quite the piece of shit, aren't you Mr Kiwi-man?! You speak through your ass. Let's back up to YOU sending me messages in different names telling me what a liar and user Daria is...blah blah blah....and I stood up for her to you. THEN she's just got to go and lie to YOU about me, so fuck you both!! At what point in my life was I supposed to "take care of her for you" when you were bad-mouthing her?! Yes, you are quite the piece of shit. Get over yourself and get a grip on real life fukn looser.

This is why I don't post on this site anymore... :roll:

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:40 pm
by Deb
So Po-toileter is the same creep that sent Daria a million messages about stealing his surf board, wet suit, who cares and blah blah blah... Apparently he gets one login blasted, so he makes up another one. pfffffft
I apologize to everyone, except him, for my outburst....I will henceforth ignore that maggot.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:43 am
by tedryan10
Thanks for sharing guys! I'm happy this thread's gotten a little attention; gives me great ideas for this summer and gleans into what makes climbs fun for you guys.

Plus the vitriol takes me back to when I was fifteen and started going on message boards, learning what blameless shit talking was all about. Well done.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:47 am
by brichardsson
well that escalated quickly.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:29 pm
by ROL
tedryan10 wrote:Thanks for sharing guys! I'm happy this thread's gotten a little attention; gives me great ideas for this summer and gleans into what makes climbs fun for you guys.

Plus the vitriol takes me back to when I was fifteen and started going on message boards, learning what blameless shit talking was all about. Well done.

The conclusion is obvious. The most fun/favorite CA peak is the magnificent, mysterious, beguiling Mount “Daria”. To inspire such devotion and pathologically* unexpurgated enviable raw emotion, I know now that I shall, nay I must, never rest until I have explored its lush valleys, bathed unabashedly naked in its deep limpid pools, and mounted its exquisitely fine summits.

* the earnest appreciation and study of trails.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:06 am
by brichardsson
polioter wrote:Relax Deb, you don't need to swear or call people names. Is it ok in Californian culture to lie? If so then lying about the bike is all good I guess. Why can't both of you just stop lying? Is it that hard?

i have resisted asking this for the longest time, but i have to know:

you were chasing someone who calls themselves "the top troll". what exactly were you expecting to happen? that's kinda like a deer walking out of the woods and then getting pissed about being shot.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:18 am
by MoapaPk
Usually a thread that mentions Daria is more than just 3 pages.

Back to the subject at hand. There are lots of little peaks in CA -- Sierra and desert-- that are just fun. I happen to like shorter days and obscurity. But my best peak experiences are with other folks who share their favorites. I'm sure this peak is familiar to lots of you.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:11 am
by MoapaPk
Oh Matt, You have to learn to distinguish the on-line fantasy where you want to live, from the real world where you really live. Look in the mirror and figure out why Daria keeps using then dropping you.

It is pretty common for stalkers to describe themselves as the "soulmates" of their stalkees.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:11 pm
by MoapaPk
polioter wrote:She agrees with me and wants me to be part of her family. How does that affect your theory?

It doesn't affect my "theory" at all, because it hasn't happened and likely never will. But I do predict you will try to come back to the US at least one more time, to be used at least one more time.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:49 am
by brichardsson
polioter wrote:It did happen. I spent the whole of last summer with her. Thats when she told me.


Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:14 pm
by MoapaPk
toxo wrote:
polioter wrote:When I did this peak with Toxo we were drunk off our minds but it was really fun.

This is the 2nd time someone has told me that he climbed Dragon while totally drunk; I guess I'm supposed to be impressed, but I mainly wonder about the physiological aspects:

1) Did he drink at the trailhead? In that case the alcohol should be mainly metabolized during the 2 hour approach. I'd worry about dehydration, and clotting after a puncture.

2) Did he drink the night before? Then it's a hangover, not drunkenness. I'd still worry about the headache and dehydration.

toxo wrote:[As far as the BS on the previous page goes, let's just say we all got a bit played by Daria and move on.

I'm shocked, shocked!

"fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Most of you were fooled only once.

Re: Most fun/favorite CA peaks

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:44 pm
by MoapaPk
I assume the helmet is to protect you from birds.

You can't judge exposure till you lose your shoe on a knife-edge traverse (on-topic, also in CA)

This is Little Corkscrew, near Corkscrew. I hardly consider Corkscrew to be a great peak, but I've been there 4 times -- once solo, and 3 times with friends. A lot of what we remember and enjoy about peaks in the fellowship. I really, really enjoyed the fellowship.

Corkscrew itself is easy; Little Corkscrew is a bit harder; walking the knife edge is... too much for many. You can find challenge and beauty almost anywhere.

This thread was supposed to be about favorite peaks... not about our greatest accomplishments.