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Altenatives to Mont Blanc for next week?

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2016 9:38 pm
by PolishPete
We're heading out to attempt Mont Blanc via the Gouter route in a few days. The weather has not been good, and word over there is that nobody is going for the summit, but rather ski mountaineering from mid-mountain.

We don't know what the weather will deliver in the next week (and it's not looking good for the next 2 days), but wanted to get some options for climbs that are of similar quality/style to the Gouter route. We'll have a rental car and 5 days. Willing to drive around the area, or even into Italy, Switzerland, Spain...obviously the closer to Chamonix the better, but willing to drive if necessary.

Criteria would be:

- Decent information / TR's so that we can quickly "learn" the climb.
- Low crevasse / avalanche risk
- Preferably nice ridges and views
- Huts are a plus as we'll be leaving the tent at home, but will rent a tent in Chamonix if needed.

Basically something similar to the Gouter route.

Very grateful for any help given!

Re: Altenatives to Mont Blanc for next week?

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2016 4:13 am
by rgg
If the weather is bad, there might be nothing similar to the Gouter route. Your options might be limited your options to much lower routes, no glaciers and hiking only. Furthermore, by this time of the year only refuges in areas that are popular with ski mountaineers tend to be open.

If you're going to Chamonix anyway, I suggest that you go to the OHM and ask there. Maybe you can even get in contact with them before traveling to Chamonix, though I suspect it's better to go there in person. And do check out their site. There is a lot to be found, e.g. Mountain Conditions.

Cheers, Rob

Re: Altenatives to Mont Blanc for next week?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:49 am
by Flachlandtiroler
Try the peaks of the "spaghetti route", i.e. peak bagging in the Monte Rosa.
Most of the 4k peaks around the "Signalkuppe" are simple snow plods, the trail normally is easy to find and due to the altitude the views are magnificient. Preferably start from Alagna, the swiss side approach is quite crevassed.

Lots of snow IMHO are not such a showstopper for Gouter route, as long as the the weather turns good.