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Do teahouses ever get full?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:47 pm
by bcool
Two of us are planning a trip to Nepal which might fall during peak treking season- and id love to do the annapurna trek with just me, my friend and a map, as id like the freedom of doing it alone and to go at our own pace.

i guess my main worry is that if we did go at a busy time the accomadation might fill up and we'd be stranded out on the mountainside... its a bad place to find yourself without a room! what are peoples experiences doing peak times? how frequent are the teahouses on the main routes, and do they fill up? And with no porters etc is the map easy enough to follow alone?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:30 pm
by eza
I did the Annapurna Circuit ten years ago (sorry it's not any more recent) but we never had any trouble with accomodation for the night. Only thing is we had a couple of local kids as porters and one of them was smart enough to know where trouble was likely if trying to find a room, but we only "used" that skill of his a couple of times: at Manang and at Thorung Phedi. Those days we sent the porters ahead and they caught us a room in advance.
About the map question, you shouldn't have any problem. Trails are very frequented, even busy from time to time. I don't think any hiker with a reasonable experience should have any trouble with orientation.
Most of our (ancient :wink: ) experience is at Annapurna Circuit, here at SP. I hope to have been of some help. Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you think I can help anyhow else :)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:50 am
by Damien Gildea
Lodges on the AS and EvBC trek can get full in October, and I found one or two full lodges on the Langtang trek in April. But usually if you get up early and finish by 2pm or so you should be OK. Better to trek in the mornings and relax and eat/drink in the afternoons anway, especially in March-May.

Following the routes is usually not a problem, though I haven't done the full AS trek. Maybe you take a wrong turn or two sometimes, but you know it soon enough. You're not exactly in the wilderness on these treks.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:23 am
by Scott
guess my main worry is that if we did go at a busy time the accomadation might fill up and we'd be stranded out on the mountainside... its a bad place to find yourself without a room!

We went in the less crowded season, but even in the crowded season there is always room (they always make room).

how frequent are the teahouses on the main routes, and do they fill up?

There are some every few hours except for when crossing the pass.

And with no porters etc is the map easy enough to follow alone?

It is easy enough to follow alone, but since porters are inexpensive ($5 a day in 2002), need the income and will stay with you at your pace and on your own scehedule anyway, I don't know why you wouldn't want one.