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Climbing Partner/s needed


Posted by yorkcoparamedic on Apr 12, 2010
Page Views: 1329

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
City or Place: York
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Biking, Gym/Training, Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Social, Other
Partner Status: Want Partners


My name is Charles Spangler and I live in the York, Pa area. I tope rope / sport climb every Tuesday, Wednesday, and most weekends in South Central Pa. I am looking for people to climb with and new places to climb as well. I will travel if needed to climb someplace I have never been before. If you would like some new climbing areas yourself, south central pa is a great place. I am training for Mt. Rainier in spring 2011 and Mt. Denali in 2012 so I am very active and getting ready for both trips. Hiking, climbing outdoors/indoors, gym, swimming, but mostly outdoor climbing. Let me know if your interested to meeting up sometime and climbing.

My climbing level is 5.8 (+/- 1) top rope, 5.8 sport lead, also a good cleaner.

I would like to be climbing soild 5.9s tope rope and sport lead by the end of the summer. Maybe then getting into some trad. Ice climbing over the winter and practicing for Mt. Rainier in March or April 2011.

Please feel free to email me anytime. I will meet with most anyone that has an interest in climbing. Experienced climbers are preferred, but anyone is welcome to come and climb with me and some of my friends. However my goal is too find someone or several people that are willing to climb at least once a week if not more.

Thanks for reading this.



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