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Grand Teton,


Posted by mountainman417 on Jan 16, 2008
Page Views: 496

Activity Details

Date: On Aug 25, 2008
Location: Wyoming, United States
City or Place: Moose
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Will accept Partners


Climbing Grand Teton, Middle Teton, Disappointment Peak, Teewinot Mountain


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mountainman417GT 2008


Who will be on the mountain then....any plans, any beta, post a comment if so..........weather faqs for late August would be great.
Posted Jan 16, 2008 11:23 pm

DionysianPoetCloudveil Traverse +Middle Teton


Hi .... I'm planning to do the Cloudveil Traverse in one day, Aug 25 would probably work.

The Cloudveil Traverse connects the South Teton, Ice Cream Cone, Gilkey Tower, Spalding Peak, Cloudveil Dome, and Nez Perce in one climb. The saddles between the peaks aren't as low as between the Grand and Middle. so you lose less elevation before climbing each peak.

I haven't been out climbing in a long time, so I'm trying to avoid anything highly technical. But the OS route on the Grand might be feasible as I've done it before (a long time ago) and I'll probably be doing it more than once over the summer (as long as you can do the lead climbing I'll consider it). It'd be possible to combine the Grand with the Cloudveil Traverse in one grueling day, but it'd be grueling; I'm up to considering it though. It would be awesome.

We'll have to keep in touch and talk about this!

Posted Feb 18, 2008 12:44 am



I'm looking for some climbs to do in late summer, so this seems interesting. Are you looking to do these in just one day? I'd have to fly out there, so I'd love to climb for at least a few days if possible....

What sort of technical difficulty are you thinking of?
Posted Apr 8, 2008 1:03 am

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