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May plans

Posted by GregJames on Feb 24, 2012
Page Views: 227

Activity Details

Dates: May 4, 2012 through Jun 4, 2012
City or Place: California
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners



This post is a shot in the dark but I am hoping to excahnge some rock climbing expirence for some mountaineering expirence.

I am going to have all of May open for climbing/mountaineering. I have been climbing for two and half years just about every weekend. I have lots of experence in easy to moderate multipitch trad climbs. I have climbed lots of the classics in Red Rocks, and the easier routes in the Sierras such as Venusion blind, Moon Goddess Arete, North Ridge of Conness, East Buttress of Whitney, Cathdral and a couple others. I have also taken courses in high-angle search and rescue. So rope and pulley systems wont be new to me. I am also a quick learner.

This year I would like to combine a little mountaineering into the climbing. I would like to learn snow travel, self-rescue, and maybe cravase rescue. Some of the routes I have an eye on are Exum Ridge in Wyoming, MOunt Shasta in California or something in the Sierras like Swiss Arete or in the Palisades. I am really open to anything in the mountains in may. Its just that you need to know what you are doing in regards to snow which I dont.

So if anyone has any routes they would like to tick off and need a rack for I am more than happy to help out and even drive there as long as it reasonalbe.


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By self-rescue I mean Self arrest with an ice axe ect..
Posted Feb 24, 2012 11:44 am



Sent you a PM.
Posted Feb 28, 2012 12:07 pm

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