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Owl's Head, NH - 20 miler in one day


Posted by 48Footers on Sep 21, 2012
Page Views: 232

Activity Details

Dates: Sep 22, 2012 through Sep 30, 2012
City or Place: Lincoln Woods
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking
Partner Status: Want Partners


I am looking for a hiking partner for my final 48 4000 footer in New Hampshire. I am going to be hiking it either the end of next week or next weekend (Sept 29-30th). It is a 20 miler and I'd like to do it in one day, so the plan is to head up to Lincoln Woods (trailhead) and camp out the night before. Most of the terrain is flat and moves along rivers. There are some river crossings that might require getting the feet wet. Owl's Head Path is a fallen landslide that is steep and it is the only 'unmarked' trail for the 48 4000 footers, but I hear that it is pretty well-marked.

If anyone is working on their 48 and would like to do Owl's Head, please contact me.


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