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Zodiac, El Cap


Posted by epicmagnet on Apr 20, 2012
Page Views: 357

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: El Capitan, Yosemite
Skill Level: Advanced
Categories: Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


It seems to be overwhelming when I think about what it takes in a climbing partner to do a 3+ day wall. They have to have some gear, which means they most likely have a job. If they have a job then taking a week off work to go suffer seems unlikely. Then, you have to find someone who you like being around 24x7. Then you have to find someone with similar styles..."he who suffers to least wins" and takes a week...or..."lets sleep while belaying so we don't have to stop" and wants to do it in a weekend so they can be back at work by 7am monday. If you find the perfect someone, then you have to want to climb the same thing.

Anyways, if you fit the mold, this is what I propose. The Zodiac on El Cap...Yosemite. Any week with only pictures of suns on weather.com, 1 day to base and fix...sleep at base. 4 pitches a day and be in bed before midnight each night. Sleep at top because it is so awesome to be up there. If there is time, then do the porch swing since we have everything we need up there. I have doubles and triples of almost all gear. I have portaledges, flys, belay seats, etc. I can lead all the pitches or none. I don't care. My lead skill is this. C1: 45 min.... C2:less than 2 hours... C3/A3:get the portaledge out.

My regular partners aren't able to commit to this project. I'm not looking for someone loaded with gear, but fun to be with and can take a week off. I am anal about efficiency on walls (there is so much dumb stuff that wastes time), mainly around belays/changeovers/rope management. I also like to shave ounces on stuff and bring too much water (I've had bad experiences after running out). If you are a bad ass and don't mind jumping on sketchy crap with a risk of a 100 foot whipper then I don't care if we did it in only 2 days. Anyways, that's pretty much how I roll.

Email me if this seems of interest to you


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