2021-Wap 3-Natura 2000 area...

2021-Wap 3-Natura 2000 area...

Natura 2000 area - Map of the Natura 2000 area in the Krowiarki Range. The Krowiarki Range is separated from the southern part of the Śnieżnik Massif by the Puchaczówka Pass, while the Wapniarka Massif is so by the Mielnik Pass in the northern part of the range. Forests are marked in dark red, meadows and fields in light red. Source: Świerkosz K, Szczęśniak E (2012) Pasmo Krowiarki. In: Świerkosz K, Liberacka H, Łysiak M, Zając K (eds) Obszary Natura 2000 na Dolnym Śląsku, p. 218-221. RDOŚ, Wrocław (modified)
Romuald Kosina
on Dec 5, 2021 8:40 am
Image ID: 1065524


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