Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Full moon .. Tonight my datura bush blooms with thirty-three trumpets. The moon glides past a tree, Spreading its silver glow on open flowers. Suddenly sacred trumpets fluoresce, and seem brighter than the moon itself. By mid-day tomorrow, the trumpets will have withered; But their scent will linger in my mind. The white and lavender-tinted, trumpet-shaped bloom of the Sacred Datura promises a fairyland of delicate beauty, moths, butterflies, long-tongued bees, hummingbirds and magical moonlit nights. It gives rise to some of the plant’s other names, for instance, Angel’s Trumpet, Moon Lily, Moon Flower or Belladonna (beautiful lady). However, there's a sinister side to the flower. It's completely toxic and will cause hallucinations, often leading to death. July 8, 2010
on Aug 28, 2010 11:33 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 654945


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