Black Elk Peak / Harney Peak Climber's Log

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chilkoot - Apr 29, 2008 11:59 am Date Climbed: Apr 23, 2008

Highpoint #40  Sucess!

Met two guys near the trailhead who were heading back due to "snow conditions we weren't equpped to deal with." I was with my 6 and 9 year olds wearing tennis shows and rubber raincoats. There was no snow at the trailhead and the most we ever got into was about 3-4 inches deep. THe only real problem we had was high winds at the summit that were strong enough to blow my kids over. Fortunately they love that kind of thing, so we had a great hike. Even saw a marmot crawling around in a stack of freshly cut logs at the trail head (Sylvan Lake). Pretty rare for the Black Hills from what I understand.


paisajeroamericano - Apr 6, 2008 12:04 pm Date Climbed: Nov 20, 2008

Birthday Hike  Sucess!

I think I left from Willow Creek Horse Camp. The weather was perfect, with just a little bit of snow, but little or no accumulation. Gotta love Dakota Territory, but shouldn't it be East Dakota and West Dakota (instead of North and South)?

jm485 - Mar 23, 2008 10:54 am Date Climbed: Mar 22, 2008

Pefect Day  Sucess!

Perfect day for a hike. There was about an inch of fresh snow to cover all the old tracks. The weather was clear with temps in the 30s. Trail was a little icy in places.


Kruck - Mar 9, 2008 11:57 am Date Climbed: Mar 8, 2008

Pleasant Winter Hike  Sucess!

Three inches of fresh pow over ice made you pay attention on this straightforward and easy trail (No. 9). Stunning views as you hike, if you stop to look around 360 every once in a while. It looks like Little Devil's Tower could be attempted from this side, though I had no time to improvise a route. Just passing through area. Had the trail entirely to myself, which was very nice.


jimegan - Feb 7, 2008 11:51 am Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2004

HARNEY PK  Sucess!


utclimber - Jan 24, 2008 11:27 pm

Nice hike  Sucess!

I've probably climbed Harney Peak a couple of dozen times. Classic with all the granite spires near. If you're a climber, bring a rope and explore the Cathedral Spires.


MountainHikerCO - Dec 31, 2007 4:38 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2004

SD high point  Sucess!

It was a nice hike and a state high point!


NavySeabee - Dec 31, 2007 4:03 pm Date Climbed: Dec 20, 2007

HP #12 via Trail #4  Sucess!

Mostly clear and windy day on the summit of Harney. Trail was a treat with about 2-3 inches of snow and the song of chainsaws in the woods. (?!) Views were great in all directions.


nbasford - Dec 31, 2007 12:44 am

Great  Sucess!

love it

MattGreene - Dec 1, 2007 6:03 pm

End of Road Trip  Sucess!

Climbing Harney was a cool way to finish my 6-week western road trip of '02.


odogg0824 - Nov 26, 2007 1:04 am Date Climbed: Nov 23, 2007

Amazing Views  Sucess!

Took the Willow Creek trail (10-12 miles round trip). There was about 2 inches of snow and the trail had a lot of rocks making for a slippery day. The views offered along the Willow Creek trail are fantastic and the summit although cold and windy in late November, provides a great panoramic of the black hills.


Judd97 - Nov 18, 2007 8:38 pm Date Climbed: May 30, 2007

Harney Peak  Sucess!

Climbed it with a group of friends from college, had a blast. Kind of bummed about the tower on the summit, but still a great hike.


eric-griz - Nov 9, 2007 9:21 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2002

One of my faves!  Sucess!

One of my favorite highpoints. I've hiked up it several times. My favorite time, however, was the first time in the April snow!


buzzdainer - Oct 14, 2007 10:48 pm Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2002

Sylvan Lake  Sucess!

Easy hike, lots of people.


reboyles - Oct 11, 2007 11:00 am Date Climbed: Oct 5, 2007

Harney Peak  Sucess!

My wife, dog and I hiked up from Sylvan Lake on a picture perfect fall day. The campgrounds had recently closed and there were very few people on the mountain this day. The aspen were in their peak colors and the temperature ranged from the 50s to low 70s. Even though all of the western highpoints are much taller and more difficult than Harney Peak, this is one summit to not miss.


breagen - Sep 27, 2007 7:02 pm Date Climbed: May 22, 2006

High Point #1  Sucess!

The start of my High Point adventure, excellent hike to a beautiful view!


tioga - Sep 15, 2007 11:11 pm

Hot  Sucess!

Hiked this on a family vacation. I remember it was incredibly hot that day and my dad just about passed out from dehydration.


weeds19 - Sep 8, 2007 5:34 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2004

First time in the Black Hills  Sucess!

I followed the well maintained trail up to the interesting summit lookout.


Zandt - Sep 5, 2007 1:47 pm Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2007

Very popular hike!  Sucess!

Easier hike than I'd anticipated...hiked on Labor Day weekend, so Sylvan Lake (and the trail) were both very, very busy. Beautiful up top, with great views in all directions, and, inexplicably, swarms of ladybugs EVERYwhere.


TLP - Jul 23, 2007 5:22 pm Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2007

SylvanLake #9  Sucess!

This was an easy hike from the lake. I wanted to start out early, like daybreak, but I was talking to the ranger the day beforehand while in Custer State Park, and he advised not to do that because there was reportings of mountain lions in the area this year. So I followed his advise, and got a late start for me (9am) It was partly cloudy on the top, so there was limited views, still it was very nice. On the way down there was LOTS of people heading up. I mean like maybe 50 or so! My gosh I guess this one is popular.

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