Black Mountain (Pershing County) Additions and Corrections

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hgrapid - Oct 27, 2009 11:09 pm - Voted 7/10

Wrong Hemisphere

119.03545°E is wrong.
It should be -119.03545
Please place this mountain in Nevada
Notice in the Interactive Map Link all the surrounding area is in China!:


Dean - Sep 15, 2014 6:39 pm - Hasn't voted

Western approach

The easiest approach to get close to this mountain is from Highway 447. Turn right (if heading north towards Gerlach) at waypoint 40.4339 119.3329. You go up over the pass and drop down the other side, with two gates to open and close. The road is dirt but was in good shape when we were there and it is about 18.5 miles to the lesser dirt track that leads toward the dry lake bed. The GPS waypoint for this is 40. 3327 119.0968.
After you pass through the first gate, don't take the road that drops left toward the Cowles Ranch but watch for the 2nd gate at 40.4504 119.2499 elev 5730'. After going through the 2nd gate, the road crests and then drops down to the right. Benchmark maps have it on pages 39 & 47. The road you want heads for Juniper Pass but you don't go that far. Hope this might be of value to someone in the future.

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