Boulderfield to Climb Above Glacier Lake

Boulderfield to Climb Above Glacier Lake

To ascend above Glacier Lake, you must climb the boulderfield just above the lake in the lower righthand corner. There is a huge boulder visible at the top of the boulderfield, which you can use for a cairn. A picture of this boulder, taken on the descent, can be seen here. (The shorter gully, to the left of the correct gully, will lead to a dead end - trust me!) The boulders in this gully are quite large, and quite solid. Getting up this gully makes for some very fun scrambling. To get some perspective on the size of these boulders, here is a pic of a climber scrambling in this boulderfield. The "cairn" is clearly visible at the top. Once above the gully stay to the left to reach the talus gully (which can be seen in this pic) which will lead to the Four Brothers/Chikamin saddle (upper left). Chikamin Peak Glacier Lake Route August 31, 2013
on Sep 25, 2013 10:10 pm
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 869205


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