Broken Wing, 5.10d

Broken Wing, 5.10d

6th Pitch- 30m- 5.10b/ This pitch felt soft for the grade, particularly compared to the previous one! I led both. Follow the bolts up a few 5.9-10 moves above the belay and continue through the rotten rock feature up and left. Tread carefully as your belayer is directly below and these are large blocks. Mantle through this choss and climb up to a left facing corner directly above. This is where a trad piece is mandatory if you want to protect the corner. The climbing is more like 5.9 than 5.10. One single C4 #.75 was perfect to protect the corner higher up whilst otherwise still clipping bolts. Mantle at the top of the corner to a comfortable fixed belay. Broken Wing, 5.10d, 7 Pitches, West End, Yamnuska, Canmore, Alberta, September, 2012
Dow Williams
on Sep 10, 2012 11:52 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 812915


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