Chastity Crack, 5.11

Chastity Crack, 5.11

Rare for us to cross lines with anyone in Zion, much less such a remote face as the north side of the Watchman. These guys are attempting to put up a new line to the left that would share the first two pitches of Chastity. 3rd Pitch- 30m- 5.11/ Traverse out right on edges to a solid hand jam crack. Ascend this crack as it turns into double finger splitter cracks. Make the crux moves of the climb with thin pro up these splitters to gain a rest ledge below a perfect hands and fist crack spitting the slightly varnished wall above. Hard, slightly off center hand and toe jamming reach another fixed belay on a decent ledge. Chastity Crack, 5.11, 3 Pitches, The Watchman, Zion National Park, November, 2009
Dow Williams
on Nov 12, 2009 12:07 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 572891


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