Chestnut Knob Climber's Log

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mtnbnd - Apr 28, 2010 10:25 pm

Nice views  Sucess!

Nice views, busy park.


BobSmith - Mar 30, 2004 9:07 pm

Route Climbed: Chestnut Knob Trail Date Climbed: 03-30-2004  Sucess!

I almost postponed this trip for another day when I awoke to overcast skies, mist, and cool temperatures. But I didn't let a little damp weather stop me; especially as I had never climbed Chestnut Knob. My original intention was to climb both Chestnut and Benn Knob and kill two peaks on the same day. But the weather did slow me down in arriving at the park, and since it was a day trip, I decided to do the hike to Benn Knob another time.

I had the park completely to myself. 16K acres and not one other hiker or camper. It was cooler than I had anticipated, but I came prepared and handled the light rain and chilly temperatures just fine. Once at the Chestnut Knob Overlook, I broke out my lunch and sat in peace and quiet, alone on the peak. I took refuge under a rock overhang and ate my sandwiches while listening to the patter of rain and the sigh of the wind, watching huge pines swaying gently.

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