Chimney Sweep, 5.10

Chimney Sweep, 5.10

1st Pitch- 150’- 5.7/ Begin in a right facing corner that quickly turns into a left facing corner feeding a chimney with multiple chock stones on top and a large juniper tree to the right of the top of the chimney. The first corner was mostly scrambling and then became a tad more challenging on some suspect rock as it steepened. The chimney portion was a blast. I went inside versus taking the chimney out, and tunneled through the chock stones above, but then I do have a 28” waist. Might be a little hard to protect that chimney as I recall. Set up anchor at the tree. photo(s) Chimney Sweep, 5.10, 7 Pitches, East Spur of Lady Mountain, Zion National Park, March, 2009
Dow Williams
on Mar 4, 2009 12:10 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 495064


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