Climbing A.Cadier

Climbing A.Cadier

Climbing the summit. Sept 2010
Rafa Bartolome
on Sep 12, 2010 4:58 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 660054


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ojo - Sep 13, 2010 10:57 am - Voted 10/10

great scramble - and more on ibones...

Great pic! Were you there yesterday (sunday)?

I had a quieter day and went up to the Ibón de Samán otherwise known as Ibon de Iserías.

I'd like to do it as a route - as it IS route, though it doesnt do a peak.
It's a superb one for people who don't want a tough day. And if you search SP for "Samán" or "Iserías" - you get nothing.

Do you mind if I do this as a route as I did for Cregüeña? I could attach is as "related" to Pala de Ip but it is already featured there, though it doesnt come up in a search.

Or I could try to do a New Mountain -
Punta d'a Molita, which you can reach from the ibón - but I've not done it...


Rafa Bartolome

Rafa Bartolome - Sep 13, 2010 12:40 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: great scramble - and more on ibones...

thanks, we climbed Aiguille Cadier and Frondellas saturday.
A route about Ibon de saman will be welcome. For the moment the best place to ibon de Saman it's the area of Pirineos: Canfranc as child. Pala de Ip has a route that cross very near and probably it's a good idea to attach the route as related because I wrote a route from col de Ladrones and canal de Izas to Pala de Ip but you can show more about the approach to the lake. I never climbed this route but my friends climbed some years ago and for this reason I wrote it but the expert climbers want to know something about the coulouir North of Pala de Ip (grade, difficulty,..) and the trekkers will be happy to discover the route to lake.
I don't climb La Moleta and Picos de la Tronquera but probably I will be go the next months if the weather conditions are o.k. because I climbed Collarada, Pala de Alcañiz, Punta Escarra and Pala de Ip and I want to finish the main summits of Circo de Ip with it. All my friends climbed La Moleta across Ibon de Saman and for this reason was difficult to find a day to climb it.

According with the rules of SP (see FAQ) the owner of a page must give the full information about the peak and if you didn't climb it this is difficult but it's not impossible if you know very well the routes to the peak, or you have some friends who have been there, etc. It's very personal because somebody can ask you demanding information about the peak, etc. The owner has a responsability. I think this article is interesting for begginers:

ojo - Sep 13, 2010 1:04 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: great scramble - and more on ibones...

I don't want to add a peak I haven't done, so I'll stick with the first idea (Canfranc: child).

La Moleta looked good. From the lake a guy we met yesterday said it was an hour, and just under 500m of ascent. It looks longer than an hour! Looked a rough canal to the cuello de molete.

We talked to a guy who had just COME DOWN THE CANAL ON A MOUNTAIN BIKE! and he said there were no mojones - it wasnt a marked path. That's all I know.

It looked really good but we weren't prepared (we missed a weekend walking last weekend and so we weren't that en forma). The ibon was enough.

Una cosa mas. He colgado una foto esta tarde hecha de la ruta ayer. ¿Sabes como se llaman las rocas ...? Me siento idiota pero, no puedo identificarlas desde el mapa que tengo.


Rafa Bartolome

Rafa Bartolome - Sep 13, 2010 4:43 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: great scramble - and more on ibones...

bueno, no es fácil, el Campanal de Izas (2.268m) no aparece en todos los mapas, sólo es para enfermos que alguna vez hemos soñado con escalarlo, pero está catalogado como MD, con pasos de IV y V+, es demasiado para mí, me resulta imposible de escalar, pero es muy bonito y conocido. Prueba en google y ya verás.

ojo - Sep 15, 2010 5:11 am - Voted 10/10

Campanal de Izas - ah!

Gracias. No lo sale en mi mapa (estos mapas de 1:40.00 ...) Ahora, echaré a busqueda en google.

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