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Cy Kaicener

Cy Kaicener - Mar 17, 2012 1:04 pm - Voted 10/10

Interesting blog

Thanks for sharing. I posted it in Personal Websites in the General Section of the forum. I was born in S. Africa and have hiked up Table Mountain on a sort of a trail about fifty years ago. - Cy


MarkDask - Apr 30, 2012 1:42 pm - Hasn't voted

Grab a cab

We just did the same hike a couple weeks ago. Up Platteklip and down the cable car (we didn't go to the summit. Next time!) At the lower cable car station, we hailed a cab or was it a taxi? (There's a difference in South Africa!) The driver gave a dirty look when we said we only wanted to go further up the road to our car, but he took us for 20 Rand (about $3). When we got back to our car there was a car guy there (there wasn't one when we parked). I gave him the traditional 5 rands but he also asked me if I had any leftovers. I reached in my daypack and pulled out a mini Clif Bar. He thanked my profusely.
PS, I really thought I would blow out my knees climbing those high rock steps, but luckily did not.


ghaznavid - Jun 9, 2012 5:01 pm - Hasn't voted

The great table

Table Mountain is really worth the trip (and I am by no means biased as a South African :-D ). I went up and down the cable cars in 2003, did the highest point, planning on climbing "the 3 peaks" some time. Cape Town is very far from my city though, and I have the Drakensberg mountains to defeat first...

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