Common Kestrel <b><i>Falco tinnunculus</b></i>

Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus

This is a diurnal animal and prefers an "open country" habitat such as fields, heaths, and marshland. When hunting, the Common Kestrel hovers about 10 – 20 m (≈33 – 66 ft) above the ground, searching for prey, usually by flying into the wind or using thermals from ridges. Once prey is sighted, the bird makes a short, steep dive toward the target. It can often be found hunting along the sides of roads and motorways. It has recently been shown that it is able to see near ultraviolet light, allowing it to detect the urine trails around rodent burrows, which reflect ultraviolet light. source: wikipedia
on Sep 15, 2008 12:55 pm
Image Type(s): Wildlife
Image ID: 442998


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