Crack of Dung, 5.10a

Crack of Dung, 5.10a

  • Crack of Dung- 5.10a/
  • Tough pitch of climbing for me, a flaring chimney with a finger crack deep in opens up to a true chimney with easier climbing. Take a C4 #6 to protect the upper half as the finger crack closes down. Easier chimney like climbing up above, but run out. Its name is quite appropriate, plenty of pigeon crap and a live pigeon nesting in June. Small pieces for the finger section you can see, then two C4#6’s if you really want to protect the chimney above or walk one piece that large. 70m rope. Dow
    Dow Williams
    on Jun 25, 2012 10:00 am
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 796873


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