Cracker Lake, autumn

Cracker Lake, autumn

Cracker Lake is arguably one of the finest hiking destinations in all of Glacier National Park. The trail is long (6+ miles), with ample elevation gain (base gain of approximately 1,400 feet, but plenty of ups and downs) and spends much of the time in the trees on a trail defined by mud and horse manure. These factors, along with the high proportion of spectacular trails in Many Glacier (Iceberg Lake, Swiftcurrent Pass, Grinnell Glacier) help keep hiker traffic to a minimum. Those that make the journey might be rewarded with scenes like this! Wynn Mountain is barely visible in the distance, with the south slope of Allen Mountain rising out of frame across Cracker Lake. September 14, 2010
on Nov 10, 2014 10:13 pm
Image ID: 921642


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