Definitely Mountain-Related

Definitely Mountain-Related

Cypress Hill is a major landform, seen on the eastern end of the Stewart Pocket climbing area, southeast of Payson, Arizona. The 5,263' summit of Cypress Hill is due southwest of the confluence of Stewart Creek and Houston Creek. The summer is normally a scorcher, but running water can be found here during the winter months. To get to Cypress Hill, you have to go cross-country through Stewart Pocket, which is a small basin surrounded by granite ridges and towers. The fastest way to proceed is up the major drainage between Cypress Hill, and its neighbor Cypress Mountain to the west. Many of the granite outcroppings on Cypress Hill are in the final stage of decomposition, but there are many footholds in route to the summit. Of course, it helps to avoid stepping on shin-dagger agave, cactus and rattlesnakes. As far as the weather, October becomes much cooler and is the best time to go. June 8, 2008
on Jun 15, 2008 9:16 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 412735


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