Dovski Kriz and Skrnatarica

Dovski Kriz and Skrnatarica

From the south, across the valley of Vrata we are looking on the more gentle side of Martuljek group mountains. The high mountain left of the centre is Dovški Križ, in front of it is the wild rocky ridge of Kopice. Right of the centre is the summit of Škrnatarica. While on the summit of Dovški Križ people dont ascend from the valley, seen on the picture, one steep scramble goes up on Škrnatarica. It almost reaches the ridge on the right (near Tičarica), then avoids the rocky part of it by the left and ascends on top by the well visible grassy (here snow-covered) slopes. If anyone can draw the ascent line on this picture, it would be warmly accepted. Autumn, 2009.
Vid Pogachnik
on Dec 21, 2009 10:07 am
Image Type(s): Scenery,  Panorama
Image ID: 583917


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