Fifteen Topo

Fifteen Topo

Topo overlay of our route up Peak Fifteen seen from ascent of Peak Sixteen. This is our interpretation of the route described in Garratt and Martin's book, and seems to be shorter and easier to protect than the traditional slab route used by most parties. Initial section that felt 5.4 is about 40 feet with a 10 foot traverse to a good horn to belay from (placed a .75 at the turn to avoid rope drag/pendulum of second). Then class 2/3 to an initially class 4 crack that has about 10 feet of 5.2 at the top (no pro placed). Belayed from a bulge just above the ledge. Coiled rope and followed class 2 ledge to a small class 3 gully to the main grass ledge to access the summit gully. We went up a little early (3+ in red), the normal gully and our rap is the yellow (class 3). Class 2 and 3 slabs above to the summit. This route starts from a small grass ledge about 30 feet away and even in elevation with the Fifteen/ Sixteen saddle.
on Aug 17, 2020 2:13 pm
Image ID: 1054143


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