Firebrand Pass

Firebrand Pass

Firebrand Pass, perched at 6,951 feet on the Continental Divide, is located in the southeastern portion of Glacier National Park. It doesn't have the big name recognition of other passes in the park, likely due to the fact that the one trail south of the pass is 20 miles long and takes you through thick forest without much of a view. Nonetheless, Firebrand Pass is a sight to behold. The trail can be accessed from US Highway 2 at Marias Pass, and it's about a 4.5 mile hike from the road up to Firebrand. From there, you can turn back, or endure the 20 miles of aforementioned trail in front of you to the south. The steep north face of Calf Robe Mountain rises to the left of Firebrand Pass. July 14, 2008
on Dec 18, 2008 7:03 am
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Scenery
Image ID: 472985


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