Flattop Aster (Presumed)

Flattop Aster (Presumed)

This is, I believe, a Flattop aster (Aster umbellatus). I wish I'd thought to take a better picture of the leaves, but these look relatively long and skinny compared to the Big-leaf aster. The white flowers (the Big-leaf are lavender) also suggest the Flattop. But I wish I could see the leaves better to confirm. Kids, let this be a lesson to you - - take one picture of the *whole* plant, even if you only want to use the flower! You might want more information to confirm the identification. Scoville Point, near Tobin Harbor, Isle Royale, August 2007.
Arthur Digbee
on Aug 19, 2007 10:27 pm
Image Type(s): Flora
Image ID: 325926


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