Gobblers Knob Climber's Log

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hgrapid - Jul 17, 2024 1:13 pm Date Climbed: Jul 17, 2024

With Raymond from Butler Fork  Sucess!

Took 4 hours 22 minutes total for the two peaks. Just a little under 10 miles.

Woodie Hopper

Woodie Hopper - Jun 20, 2022 4:49 pm Date Climbed: Jun 18, 2022

Quick outing   Sucess!

Hiked with SLCGrant and Ben (our middle boy) during a trip out west stopping to meet Sam and get a hike in. Great weather- cloudy, breezy with some drizzle. Very enjoyable with a mellow trail to run during the descent.

Joseph Bullough

Joseph Bullough - Dec 3, 2021 3:02 pm

Various ascents  Sucess!

Climbed 32 times:
6/19/16 - Butler Fork
10/10/15 - Butler Fork / traverse from Mount Raymond
9/2/15 - Butler Fork / traverse from Reynolds Peak
8/23/15 - Butler Fork / traverse from Mount Raymond
10/19/14 - Butler Fork
7/8/12 - Butler Fork / traverse to Mount Raymond
6/17/12 - Butler Fork / traverse to Mount Raymond
6/10/12 - Butler Fork / traverse from Mount Raymond
7/16/11 - Wildcat Ridge / traverse from Mount Raymond / Beartrap Fork descent
7/10/11 - Butler Fork / traverse from Mount Raymond
7/18/10 - Bowman Fork / traverse from Mount Raymond
7/5/10 - Mill B North / traverse to Mount Raymond
7/2/10 - Wildcat Ridge / traverse from Mount Raymond / Mill D North descent
6/27/10 - Mill B North / traverse to Mount Raymond
6/11/10 - Butler Fork / travsere from Mount Raymond
5/16/10 - Southwest Ridge / Butler Fork
5/8/10 - Mill B North / traverse to Mount Raymond
7/25/09 - Bowman Fork / traverse to Mount Raymond
6/19/09 - Wildcat Ridge / traverse from Mount Raymond / Butler Fork descent
3/14/09 - Butler Fork / traverse to Mount Raymond
11/1/08 - Mill B North / traverse to Mount Raymond
8/09/08 - Butler Fork / traverse to Mount Raymond
6/20/08 - Wildcat Ridge / traverse from Mount Raymond / Butler Fork descent
6/03/07 - Bowman Fork
10/15/06 - Butler Fork / traverse from Mount Raymond
7/08/06 - Bowman Fork / traverse to/from Mount Raymond (climbed twice; long story...)
6/11/06 - Butler Fork / traverse from Mount Raymond
8/05/05 - Butler Fork / traverse to Mount Raymond
1/29/05 - Butler Fork, Soleus Ridge / traverse to Mount Raymond
6/13/04 - Mill B North / traverse to Mount Raymond
4/17/04 - Southwest Ridge / Butler Fork
11/30/02 - Butler Fork
10/20/01 - Alexander Basin

ultramatt - Jul 22, 2021 9:21 pm Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2021

KNOB  Sucess!

Hiked up from Millcreek, Alexander Basin -> Bowman then up to Raymond and over to Gobblers Knob. Going down Alexander Basin was majorly steep, poles aren't necessary but I'd say that mentally they are


agentkirkwood - Feb 4, 2021 3:16 pm Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2020

Quick run/hike summit  Sucess!

Fun, steep, short


dan_3lliott - Oct 27, 2020 11:14 pm Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2020

Loose trail  Sucess!

Took the Alexander Basin route up the first time, ended up just being a monotonous slog to the top. Bowman's Fork is the better option imo.

Josh Behunin

Josh Behunin - Aug 28, 2020 9:10 am Date Climbed: Jun 15, 2019

Amazing spring like conditions  Sucess!

The flowers, the snow capped peaks the sunset everything about this day was perfect one of the best hikes of my life.


mammothvolume - May 13, 2019 12:54 pm Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2018

Crucial Day 1  Sucess!

After Olympus, a sprint from the saddle to stay on schedule and nab this high point. Aspen forest on the approach was spectacular in early fall.


JimmyJazz - Aug 22, 2017 11:17 am Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2017

Spectacular hike!  Sucess!

My favorite hike that I've done in the Wasatch to date. I don't know if it's been a good year or I was just lucky with when I went, but the alpine wildflowers in Alexander Basin and along the west-side traverse down to Baker Spring were the best I've ever seen outside Washington.


BKiser90 - Jul 1, 2017 4:49 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2017

Gobblers & Raymond  Sucess!

Up from Butler Fork at 7:20 a.m. Two hours to the top of Gobblers Knob. The trail was pretty busy, especially later in the day but we had the summit of the Knob to ourselves for a few minutes. The sky north of the GSL was a bit hazy; it is wildfire season after all.


asaking11 - Jul 10, 2016 1:35 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2016

Little Knob Gobbler  Sucess!

Quick jaunt up Butlers Fork to the top to Gobblers, then back down. Awesome hike.


dave23 - Jul 5, 2016 3:04 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2016

Bagging the Knob  Sucess!

The wild flowers in Alexander Basin are Outrageous. Gorgeous hike with clear views from the summit. It is fun to do this one the weekend after the winter gate is opened. Third time on the summit.


edge - Oct 11, 2015 12:59 am Date Climbed: Oct 10, 2015

Nice Name  Sucess!

Nice quick hike to see the fall colors, cool views of the Cottonwood Ridge and SLC from the top. The person who named this mountain must've really liked turkeys.


kteichert - Sep 20, 2015 8:45 pm Date Climbed: Sep 20, 2015

13.7 miles  Sucess!

Went up porter fork, around mount Raymond and up gobblers. Then down bowman.


browng73 - Aug 31, 2015 1:14 pm Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2014

Great Loop Hike  Sucess!

Ditched a bike at the bottom of Alexander Basin for the return trip back to the car. Started at the Bowman TH to Baker Pass. Great hike! Be sure to check out the fossilized sea shells in Alexander Basin!


ridings82 - Aug 24, 2015 10:57 pm Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2015

Gobblers Knob  Sucess!

Up and down via Butler Fork - snow was corniced along the north side of the ridge in early June but very easy to navigate around. My 2017 summit required crampons and an ice axe due to the late snow melt. The ridge is a lot of fun in these conditions. Don't let the false summit fool you!

Bulter Fork - 06/07/2015, 09/02/2015, 06/04/2017


jgreeneruns - Apr 13, 2015 3:35 pm Date Climbed: Sep 20, 2014

2nd summit  Sucess!

The false summits were so rude. This hike seemed to go on forever compared to Raymond.


SabineInUtah - Dec 12, 2014 6:35 pm

Fun afternoon  Sucess!

Hiked up the peak with RB and AKB (12). Great climb for kids and close to SLC for a half-day adventure or less. Hiked from Lambs Canyon.


PrinceOfNorway - Sep 21, 2014 5:29 pm Date Climbed: Sep 20, 2014

Nice and Easy  Sucess!

Utah Guy is lying. He only has 50 peaks. This peak is better if you make turkey noises all the way up. Everyone will love you if you do it. Have a picnic on top. Bring a poodle. It's a wilderness area and everything goes.


abrennalinerush - Sep 21, 2014 12:32 pm Date Climbed: Sep 20, 2014

Gobbledegook  Sucess!

Relatively quick ascent compared to Raymond... a tad higher, but not nearly as fun. Beautiful views and a comfy summit area made for a good 50th peak for me!

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