Greyrock Mountain Climber's Log

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duncano_20 - Jul 7, 2024 2:13 pm Date Climbed: Jun 2, 2024

Greyrock  Sucess!

Hiked with a buddy, took meadows trail back ~8 miles. Super fun trail!

Matt McCullough

Matt McCullough - Feb 7, 2022 6:36 pm Date Climbed: Feb 6, 2022

Greyrock in February  Sucess!

A little longer than expected direct hike to the summit (longer than 3.1 miles posted by the USFS sign). My GPS said slightly more than 4. it took me ~2.5 hours in my Sawtooth Merrells (without spikes) under fairly split snow-packed and icy trail conditions most of the way between 8 and 10:30 am in the morning. Beautiful clear day but brutally windy on top.


JesseSumrak - May 12, 2021 5:25 am Date Climbed: May 8, 2021

Mountain Oasis  Sucess!

Hiked this beauty with good ol' Ben and Andrea. Knocked it out in about 4 hours with the loop. Beautiful day—little bit windy on the summit, but oh-so-worth-it.


theREALCarpeDM - May 10, 2021 6:30 am Date Climbed: May 2, 2021

Standard trail & Beanie route  Sucess!

In April 2018, Derick, Dave, Joe and I set out to do the Beanie route, after hiking up Pt 7,309. We backed off at the crux due to strong winds and summitted via the trail instead.

Went back in May 2021 and completed the Beanie route.


BKiser90 - May 8, 2021 2:57 pm Date Climbed: May 8, 2021

Greyrock Loop  Sucess!

Lovely spring day on Greyrock. Grass was green, sky was blue, rock was grey. The potholes were full and one had a stream trickling out. Bullfrogs could be heard in the brush around the lower pothole. A unique Front Range summit with a fun little scramble. The view of the Greyrock from the meadow is stunning. With Jesse Sumrak.


wbass - Nov 17, 2020 9:13 am Date Climbed: Nov 10, 2020

Quiet trail run  Sucess!

After having reopened the forest after the Cameron fire, we took the mid-week opportunity to get out and enjoy solitude (at least from humans). There was a big cat print in the snow and fresh scat on the trail ...


eric-griz - Sep 22, 2020 2:58 pm Date Climbed: Sep 22, 2020

Wonderful hike  Sucess!

It was a bit smoky, due to the Cameron Peak Fire, but wow! This area is amazing. Hiked up Greyrock Mountain Trail and down the Greyrock Meadow Trail.


Jurgen - Nov 16, 2019 1:37 am Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2019

Greyrock Mountain: Trail Run  Sucess!

Nice trail run from Greyrock Trailhead. Apperently there was a rattlesnake and a bear on the trail that day, but we didn't see anything.


Scott - Jan 20, 2018 4:50 pm Date Climbed: Jan 14, 2018

Greyrock  Sucess!

After work, I climbed Greyrock Mountain. Unfortunately, my camera was dead so I didn’t get any photos of the beautiful peak. I went up the Greyrock Mountain Trail and climbed The Crest along the way. After enjoying the summit (It was windy, but sunny), I headed back down. I took the Greyrock Meadows Trail down, completing a loop and climbing Peak 7180 along the way. I also helped two girls who kept losing the trail.

It was a beautiful hike and there was only a little snow and ice. There were lots of other people climbing the mountain as well.


kronshage3 - Nov 13, 2017 7:26 pm Date Climbed: Nov 4, 2017

Standard Route  Sucess!

Been up here many times now. Makes a great day outing if you can mind the crowds.

Stu Brandel

Stu Brandel - Sep 16, 2016 7:29 pm Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2016

Woods, Water, Rock  Sucess!

A beautiful hike and scramble on a sunny bright day.

Sarah Simon

Sarah Simon - Feb 15, 2016 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Feb 14, 2016

Summit Trail  Sucess!

Greyrock is one of my favorite "little" peaks ever! Beautiful approach, lovely scamper to the top. Completely amazed by the ponds near the summit! Could have done without the insane winds that were borderline dangerous up top. Icy trail due to heavy snow fall followed by a sunny warm trend.


wyomtman - Oct 31, 2015 7:31 pm Date Climbed: Oct 31, 2015

Top and loop  Sucess!

Nice hike with wife +1. The water at the top was a nice surprise.

Climbing Jack

Climbing Jack - Jul 21, 2014 10:17 pm Date Climbed: Jan 27, 2013

Fun one from FOCO  Sucess!

Fun jaunt up Greyrock.

Senad Rizvanovic

Senad Rizvanovic - Apr 18, 2014 8:51 pm Date Climbed: Apr 18, 2014

Spring Hike  Sucess!

Nice spring hike, Pasque Flowers are everywhere, sad to see this area was severely burned, but it's still beautiful.


belexes - Sep 3, 2013 10:07 am Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2013

Greyrock Meadows Trail  Sucess!

This was my second time on Greyrock. I took the Greyrock Meadows trail to the summit. It was Labor Day, so there were a lot of hikers on the trail. It was a beautiful sunny day, but it was pretty hot. I went down the wrong drainage on the way back and ended up dropping down into the Hewlett burn area on the east side of the mountain. But I eventually bushwhacked my way back to the trail, and descended the Greyrock trail back to the road.


Peakbug - Jul 7, 2013 6:16 pm Date Climbed: May 12, 2013

Greyrock #25  Sucess!

Busy at the summit after a relaxing hike through pretty forest and burn area.


rkymtn - May 16, 2013 5:09 pm Date Climbed: May 12, 2013

Summit Trail  Sucess!

A fun and quick hike with my wife. We enjoyed hearing the frogs croaking in the small pond near the summit. We also took in the views of the burn area while watching a helicopter make seed drops to the south. The summit rock was nice to scramble on, which made for a good end to the hike up.

Brian C

Brian C - Feb 10, 2013 9:29 am Date Climbed: Feb 9, 2013

Ashy Loop  Sucess!

Hiked a loop through the burn area. Climbed/downclimbed the Weenie Route on Greyrock, made it over across the meadows to Aiguille du Greyrock, North Greyrock and PT 6,712'. Burn area is very interesting, especially with all the hay that has been spread around.


fox045 - Dec 1, 2012 11:07 pm

Greyrock  Sucess!

With Susan 1996?

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