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nartreb - Oct 16, 2012 10:42 pm - Hasn't voted

paragraphs maybe?

Actually a good report, don't think too many other people will read it without a few line breaks.

Headache - could be dehydration. Carrying 60lbs, you're going to sweat even in the winter.

ambr3lla - Oct 17, 2012 1:27 pm - Hasn't voted


Yes, I realized this after it was posted :) However, I'm still figuring this site out. When I get some time I'll sit and go through it and learn how it works. Tried posting pictures as well, but had trouble. Thank you for commenting! I don't think I was really dehydrated. I'm a bit of a camel and drink about 100 oz./day normally. My idea was that it stemmed from little sleep followed by exertion.


nartreb - Oct 17, 2012 4:46 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Thanks!

Three liters in 24 hours? You should be drinking more than that while doing a great range traverse! Baseline is two liters, add a liter for every hour of exercise.

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