High Anxiety, 5.10c

High Anxiety, 5.10c

4th Pitch- 80’- 5.10c/ Straight forward crux pitch on High Anxiety. Follow the corner above, which goes from fingers to hands to off width to a ledge. The finger and hand jams are pretty bomber as you struggle with sparse feet. Then you get a solid rest before tackling the stout off width moves which result in a mantle at the end onto a solid ledge. Gear is all good except for that very last section, it gets a little wide for any cam placements High Anxiety, 5.10c, 6 Pitches, Brownstone Wall South, Juniper Canyon, Red Rocks, NV, April, 2009
Dow Williams
on Apr 6, 2009 12:20 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 504122


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