Huemul - Cochrane

Huemul - Cochrane

The South Andean deer weighs 45 - 65 kg (100 - 140 lb). It lives at higher altitudes in the summer, moves down the mountains in the fall, and spends the winter in forested valleys. Areas with fresh water are preferred. The South Andean deer feeds primarily on herbaceous plants and shrubs. Originally, the South Andean deer ranged along the Andes from about 34 deg S in Chile and 40 deg S in Argentina, spreading in Patagonia (south of 44 deg S) to Pacific coast islands and east along the highlands of Argentina possibly to the Atlantic coast (Povilitis 1983). By the early 1970's it appeared to be largely gone from the entire region north of Patagonia except in two areas. At that time, most huemuls were found in Chile's Aysen Region with smaller numbers along adjacent areas of Argentina. By 1997 it appeared that remaining populations were limited to protected areas (Oryx 1997d). Overhunting for food has been a major cause of the South Andean deer's decline. Habitat loss from fire and erosion, competition with domestic animals and introduced red deer (Cervus elaphus), disease transmitted from livestock, persecution for its perceived competition with livestock and killing by domestic dogs are other important factors.
on Jun 22, 2008 12:25 pm
Image Type(s): Wildlife
Image ID: 414406


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