Hurwal Divide Climber's Log

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Rockawilliam - Jul 11, 2016 1:48 pm Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2016

Wallowa Traverse  Sucess!

Josh and I climbed from Chief Joseph Mountain on trails left by the 30 or so goats encountered near the summit. The traverse towards Sacajawea was nothing short of spectacular. This was when Josh upgraded the Wallowas from descent to good mountains! When in doubt, stay on the ridge crests from saddle to saddle and expect plenty of loose class 2 terrain.

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Sep 1, 2013 9:58 pm Date Climbed: Aug 31, 2013

Long Day  Sucess!

After summiting Chief Joseph Mountain earlier with Jim, I descended down quickly to the first notch where the light rock turns a shade darker and there are dramatic cliffs to the west. From here, I saw a "trail" traversing the east side of this intermediate hump (there are two between CJ and HD). Followed it along and there are some sketchy spots where it's ball bearings over concrete with small cliffs below to your left. Picked my way and jumped from "safe" spot to "safe" spot until I made my way around. Not very confidence-inspiring route. The next hump is nice granite with small pine trees that is easy up and over. Then comes the several false summit ridge to the summit. Was feeling the altitude and was doing about 50-75 step and rest pattern but it went surprisingly quicker than I thought. Soon found myself looking at the summit register. Took some photos and headed back to CJ to meet up with Jim and hike back down. Found a better way over that northernmost hump in the ridge where you go up and over and have a more solid Class 3 step down to where I started on the traverse around it earlier. I think it is more solid and less sketchy with about a 10-15 foot Class 3 section. In total this ended up about a 7000 foot day and not sure how many miles. Intrigued by the ridge leading over to Matterhorn/Ice Lake and still wonder about that route.

Troy B

Troy B - Jul 9, 2011 11:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2011

Route: East Ridge (BC Creek)  Sucess!

I started on the south side of BC Creek and climbed up the east ridge off the summit of the Hurwal Divide. Excellent direct ascent.


Snowslogger - Aug 24, 2010 4:30 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2010

ThreeFer(maybefour)  Sucess!

Great solo trip. From Ice Lake to the Matterhorn, peak 9775, Sacajawea, and Hurwal Divide. From Sacajawea I dropped down the nasty face into the Thorp Creek drainage to about 8K, then up the talus valley to the ridge and north up the Hurwal Divide ridge to the summit. Returned to Ice Lake via a descent on the east side of the Hurwal saddle. Can't recommend either of these! Probably better to stay on the ridges.


calebEOC - Aug 10, 2009 12:14 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2009

Up the wretched ridge  Sucess!

That ridge leading up out of thorp creek kind of sucks, like climbing a 2000 foot gravel pile. Originally intended to summit Chief Joseph, but this was a nice alternative.


RSBARNES - Nov 11, 2008 1:11 am

Long ago  Sucess!

As a Teenager. Climbed it with my Dad. YOu gotta love the rock..


nickkarl - Aug 4, 2008 4:08 pm Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2008

Thorp Creek  Sucess!

Climbed from Thorp Creek Basin. Ran into 3 mountain goats. Beautiful day went along the ridge to Chief Joseph.

Mr. Clam

Mr. Clam - Apr 2, 2007 11:27 pm Date Climbed: Mar 28, 2007

Climbed in winter conditions  Sucess!

Aside from the fierce wind we had great weather. Climbed via north ridge from Chief Joseph Mountain. Trip report here:

woodyoforegon - Sep 22, 2004 3:07 pm

Route Climbed: Hurrican Creek Trail to ridge on the south side of Dunn Creek to intermediate summit between Chief Joseph and the Hurwal Divide to the summit Date Climbed: 8/25/00  Sucess!

Climbed with my wife. Our 6th peak in the Wallowas. Didn't see anyone all day once we left the Hurricane Creek trail. Beautiful views at the top.


cjwhat - Nov 12, 2002 3:32 pm

Route Climbed: Twin Creek south ridge Date Climbed: August 21, 2002  Sucess!

Had to follow mountain goats and step right in their tracks across western face to reach ridge because (and I'm not making this up) it snowed five inches this morning.

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