<i>I AM TIMES.</i>


I am closer to believing, Than I ever was before. On the CREST of this elation, Must I crash upon the shore? And with the driftwood of acquaintance, Light the fire of love once more - I am wind blown ... I am times. (Emerson, Lake and Palmer - 1977) The Coconino is a 500 to 1,000 foot thick layer of cream or golden-colored sandstone, formed after the retreat of the Pedregosa Sea 265 million years ago. The layer consists of cross-bedded, wind blown sandstone - essentially petrified sand dunes, some up to fifty feet in length - indicating that this layer formed on dry land. West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona October 23, 2008
on Nov 3, 2008 10:15 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 460368


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Boydie - Nov 4, 2008 4:57 pm - Voted 10/10

Cool rock...

..Larry, although it has a warm glow to it.

There's a rumour going around that you have a new name.

The Question Man??? Seems fitting.

Take it easy,


lcarreau - Nov 4, 2008 8:39 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Cool rock...

Thanks - Why the Question Man ??? : ))))

"They answered my questions with questions,
And set me to stand on the brink.
Where the sun and the moon were as brothers,
And all that was left was to think."

(Manfred Mann's Earth Band - 1976)

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