28 Down to Colchuck Lake

28 Down to Colchuck Lake

This what my friends and I call The Death March To Asgard Pass. Hike up it some hot afternoon with a week's food, plus camping and climbing gear, and you won't argue over the nickname. You probably won't talk at all, at least not coherently.

It's a 2200-foot descent from the pass to the lake, and after hiking up 7140 feet today, I'm about to find out what my knees are made of.

The trail, such as it is, keeps generally to the right, then somewhere below Dragontail's face crosses to head for the S (left) end of Colchuck Lake. It skirts the far side of the lake almost to the N end, before dropping down to Mountaineer Creek and the junction with the valley trail.


Eric Sandbo
on Feb 17, 2007 11:13 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Scenery
Image ID: 270639


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