Italian Hiking routes rating
Here you can find some simple explanations about how to interpret the acronyms you can find in Italian Guide Books speaking about
paths and
T (Tourist)
The route goes along roads, mule tracks or large paths, without dangers
No bearings problems,
No special training required
No exposure
E (Escursionista = Hiker)
The route goes along paths, pastures, debris with evident marks (stripes or cairns) or very sweet slopes of snow
Bearings knowledge and training are required
Very low exposure
EE (Escursionista Esperto = Experienced Hiker)
The route goes on narrow normally marked paths, along grassy slippery slopes, mixed of rocks and grass, screes and/or sweet snow slopes
Somewhere could be necessary to use the hands.
Good knowledge of environment, no suffer from vertigo needed
Some little exposure
Skill is enough to climb
easy ferrate
EEA (Escursionista Esperto, con Attrezzatura (alpinistica) = Very Skilled Hiker with Gear)
More difficult than the previous one,
path not always marked,
some fixed equiment (ferrate)
Climbing gear required
Exposure can be high
this is almost the same skill level required for
medium difficulty ferrate
rock routes of I grade UIAA
mixed climbs classified F (French grade)