Kaleetan Peak Climber's Log

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Jowzynkyn - Jul 2, 2024 11:33 am Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2024

Quick turnaround, ridge crossing and crowds  Sucess!

10 hours and 20 minutes C2C. Going on 2 hours of sleep, arrived at Denny Creek at 0645. No consistent snow until ~4,200 elev. close to Hemlock Pass. 3 hours to Melakwa Lake, maybe about 30 people relaxing there. Surprisingly quick to Pt. 5700, but tiring. Tried to cross the ridge most of the way, got into 4th-5th class moves, and ended up descending into the basin before gaining about 500 feet again to the summit block. Made the mistake of missing the south gully, instead climbed the SW rock face, good granodiorite rock that leaned into 5th class rock climbing. 5 hours 30 minutes up, about 5 hours descent, mostly due to heavy crowds past Kee Falls and in the immediate Franklin Falls area on the trail. Able to see Mount Stuart and Mount Daniel pretty clearly, got a good picture of Russian Buttes and McClellan Butte! Chair Peak Lake and Gem Lake are still frozen, Snow Lake is melted out. The west face looks insane, unsure if anyone has attempted it yet :0


markhadland@gmail.com - Sep 8, 2019 10:39 pm Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2019

Kaleetan Peak Summit  Sucess!

Super trip up the South climbers route via Point 5700.


cascadescrambler - Aug 26, 2019 11:25 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 1983

The arrow  Sucess!

This was an interesting and fun scramble


kronshage3 - Aug 13, 2018 7:11 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2018

Via Denny Creek  Sucess!

An enjoyable summit. This is also a fairly busy trail with lots of people going to the falls, lakes, and summit. We were pretty much socked in with clouds most of the day. The route is easy and straight forward to the base of the climbers trail. The climbers trail itself is actually very well defined and easy to follow. I don't want to understate this......it is VERY steep and mostly dirt. A wet day (like today) can make this very slick so take care on this. Also, the down-climb section is very steep and drops quite a bit of elevation. The short scramble to the summit is fun. Suggest a helmet and be mindful of loose rock and other climbers around you. The clouds broke every now and then for some cool views at the summit. Side note, bugs were not terrible but they are around, especially at the lakes and the pass along the regular trail.

mvkazit - Jun 27, 2016 12:39 pm Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2016

Kaleetan Peak - Snow Lake loop  Sucess!

Loop variation, go back via Snow lake

Full log


Euphonia - May 20, 2016 11:56 am

White Ledges  Sucess!

Really fun ascent

Angus Brookes - Sep 12, 2015 8:33 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2015

Beautiful day  Sucess!

Climbed the "white ledges" route from Melakwa Pass with a few friends while backpacking from Alpental to the Pratt trailhead. The views were spectacular and the air was clear since it had rained the day before. The climb is easy and rewarding.


tcingrum - Sep 8, 2015 7:57 pm Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2015

socked in  Sucess!

Great hike and scenery but couldnt see a darned thing. May have to go back someday when skies are clear.

Fred Spicker

Fred Spicker - Aug 6, 2015 9:08 am Date Climbed: Aug 4, 2015

SW Couloir  Sucess!

Climbed alone.

In CLIMBING WASHINGTON'S MOUNTAINS, Jeff Smoot rates this climb as Class 2. I concur with his rating. There are a couple of "mandatory" moves on the climber's trail that are harder than anything that can't be bypassed in the couloir.


BooRadley - Jul 19, 2015 2:26 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2015

Awesome scramble  Sucess!

Awesome scramble! One of my favorites out I-90. Relatively steep bootpath up from Melawka Lake. No views from the summit on account of fog, but still had a great time.


Dundeel - Jul 7, 2015 7:39 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2015

E-squared  Sucess!

RIP Edward Earl. This peak was Edward's last summit before losing a battle to Mt. Isto in the Brooks Range.


Redwic - Jun 30, 2015 9:05 am Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2015

Tribute Hike  Sucess!

Greg, Bob, Duane, Ken, and I chose to go to Kaleetan Peak in honor of our recently deceased friend Edward. He had died during an expedition in Alaska, and it turned out that Kaleetan Peak was the last successful summit he had done prior to his death. What a great peak, too. Very prominent, with a nice route and great views. Highly recommended.


RomaK - Aug 4, 2014 10:29 pm

Standard scramble route  Sucess!

Climbed sometime in the late summer. Steep climber's path from the lake, easy scrambling in the gully. Great views from the top.


kdm17 - Jul 7, 2014 1:39 pm Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2014

Main (South) gully  Sucess!

Kaleetan has been on my list for some time! Camped at Melakwa, then it was two hours up to the summit from there.. Some snow still but didn't need traction, though poles or axe is recommended. The scramble is completely dry and really fun, even easier (but longer) than Mt. Si's scramble. We came back on the ridge, rather than dropping down.. this alternate route was very fun, but very dangerous/exposed. I only recommend this to experienced climbers :)


scottv - Sep 5, 2013 3:47 am Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2013

Melakwa gully not boot path  Sucess!

Ascending the damp but not muddy gully just below the "white ledges" Becky mentions was an elegant, direct route up from the lakes where we were camped. Descending via the boot trail seemed comparatively convoluted and annoying with all the jogs off and back onto the south ridge and meandering through brush and forest. Next time, I'd go up the gully and back down the white ledges. View of azure ice blocks in Chair Lake from the summit was my highlight.


awilsondc - Jul 28, 2013 12:48 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2013

East Shoulder  Sucess!

LOVED this route! Hit the trail at 7:07 am with 3 other cars in the parking lot. The trail to the lake is relatively easy and well graded. From the lake I went cross country boulder hopping up towards Melakwa Pass veering to the left towards the climbers left part of the east face. From here the boulder hopping turned into a class 3+ scramble for a few hundred feet before the route joins up with the class 3 gully of the stardard route. I was not impressed with the gully and was happy I had added the extra scrambling via the east shoulder. I highly recommend this approach for those who like class 3. Snow could be a problem early in the season, there was still some lingering when I went but it wasn't a problem. I took the same route down.

I had run into a total of 3 people on my way up to the summit, which I had to myself, and back down to the lake. From the lake to the car I must have passed 200+ people, the place was packed! Go early on this one! 6 hr 30 min car to car.


wildstar - Jul 23, 2013 11:41 am Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2013

Wonderful Day  Sucess!

Had a great day. Beautiful weather and views were fantastic.

kylefrowe - Jan 3, 2013 12:55 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2011

A Dip  Sucess!

Went for a swim post summit


Jeb - Oct 13, 2012 2:16 am Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2012

East face approach  Sucess!

I took the bootpath past upper Melakwa Lake up to Melakwa Pass then traversed to the west. About 500' below the summit a wide open class 3-4 scramble brought me to the top. On my return along the main path over PT 5700' I noticed a deep gully just to the south of the summit that likely would have made for an even easier scramble.


kevinsa - Sep 15, 2012 7:45 pm Date Climbed: Oct 19, 2010

Kaleetan Peak  Sucess!

Looks imposing from a distance, but really wasn't bad at all.

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