Sarah Simon - Mar 25, 2012 11:29 pm Date Climbed: Mar 24, 2012
From FR 308 winter closure
Wow, little bit of summer in March. Just insane! It was downright hot at times. We ran into a bit of snow (up to Laraine's knees, my mid-shin, Mike's ankles...) on northern aspects, but it was mostly a very summer-like experience. A lot of "critter parts" laying around in the hills now that the snow has melted. My dog fancied, among other things, an intact elk leg with hoof, fur and all. I carried out a ... we'll call it skull of a "5-pt buck" (pts too small to be 6-pt, too big for 4-pt). Good day!
chicagotransplant - Mar 24, 2012 11:38 pm Date Climbed: Mar 24, 2012
Early Spring Combo
Climbed with Sarah and Laraine, combo climb with Antero BM from the winter closure gate at road 308. Incredibly dry for this time of year, and a very warm day (65 at the TH when we got back). As if it didn't feel enough like May already, I actually saw a butterfly. In March in Colorado? Has to be the earliest I have ever seen one by a good 5 or 6 weeks.
Brian Kalet - Apr 10, 2011 6:01 pm Date Climbed: Mar 26, 2011
9 Peaks
With Round Hill, Black Mountain, Antero Benchmark, 10350, Limestone Ridge, 8380, H-44 Benchmark & 7740.
Jeremy Hakes - Jan 31, 2011 8:35 pm Date Climbed: Jan 30, 2010
With Antero BM
Nice walk, not much snow.
nader - Oct 19, 2010 6:53 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2010
Kaufman Ridge North
Earlier in the day I climbed the nearby Castle Rock then drove on FR 308 and found my way up to the summit of Kaufman Ridge North. The bushwhacking was actually fun.
Sarah Simon - Mar 25, 2012 11:29 pm Date Climbed: Mar 24, 2012
From FR 308 winter closureWow, little bit of summer in March. Just insane! It was downright hot at times. We ran into a bit of snow (up to Laraine's knees, my mid-shin, Mike's ankles...) on northern aspects, but it was mostly a very summer-like experience. A lot of "critter parts" laying around in the hills now that the snow has melted. My dog fancied, among other things, an intact elk leg with hoof, fur and all. I carried out a ... we'll call it skull of a "5-pt buck" (pts too small to be 6-pt, too big for 4-pt). Good day!
chicagotransplant - Mar 24, 2012 11:38 pm Date Climbed: Mar 24, 2012
Early Spring ComboClimbed with Sarah and Laraine, combo climb with Antero BM from the winter closure gate at road 308. Incredibly dry for this time of year, and a very warm day (65 at the TH when we got back). As if it didn't feel enough like May already, I actually saw a butterfly. In March in Colorado? Has to be the earliest I have ever seen one by a good 5 or 6 weeks.
Brian Kalet - Apr 10, 2011 6:01 pm Date Climbed: Mar 26, 2011
9 PeaksWith Round Hill, Black Mountain, Antero Benchmark, 10350, Limestone Ridge, 8380, H-44 Benchmark & 7740.
Jeremy Hakes - Jan 31, 2011 8:35 pm Date Climbed: Jan 30, 2010
With Antero BMNice walk, not much snow.
nader - Oct 19, 2010 6:53 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2010
Kaufman Ridge NorthEarlier in the day I climbed the nearby Castle Rock then drove on FR 308 and found my way up to the summit of Kaufman Ridge North. The bushwhacking was actually fun.