Kukenan Tepui Climber's Log

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maxcz - Oct 20, 2004 5:06 pm

Date Climbed: February 1998  Sucess!

Climbing Kukenan was one of the most memorable things I've ever done. The scenery is otherworldly, and the views of neighbouring Roraima, floating like an enormous oiltanker in a sea of clouds, is unforgettable. We spend the first day approaching Kukenan from Paraitepui, constantly gazing at the tepuis surrounding us. On the second day we climbed from the base of Kukenan to the top, which was quite exhausting, especially since we ran out of water half-way up (although there is plenty of it on top). The next day we spent exploring the top of the tepui, a moonscape with exotic and endemic plantlife. We walked down to Paraitepui in one and a half days. All in all, there is little that compares to the tepuis in the Gran Sabana in Venezuela, and Kukenan is one of the most spectacular ones.

Miguel Angel Perez

Miguel Angel Perez - May 12, 2004 9:02 pm

Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: Dec. 1990  Sucess!

Climbed Kukenan at age 11. If you want a more challenging climb than Roraima, less visited but equally beautiful: go to Kukenan. It is still very virgin and there are aswell spectacular rock formations and a wonderful flora as in Roraima!

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