Levka Ori Additions and Corrections

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afariz - May 21, 2009 9:10 am - Voted 9/10


Dears, in the part Ares&Ranges, Levka Ori, there is in an article describing this mountains. In the part 8.3 - By Bus and Car - there is a mistake in last words of this paragraph. You write there about connection in western part of Crete (leading to trailheads into mountains) from the Chania city to Souda, but I think, the name of Souda is not right, I suppose, the right name should be Sougia!! Souda is actualy the harbour of Chania and doesn't have any context with the subject of this part (8.3) of the article, whereas Sougia is the village on the southern coast to which runs a road roughly following western borders of Levka Ori.

Gangolf Haub

Gangolf Haub - May 23, 2009 12:27 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: correction

Of course you are right. And I even started one of my hikes in Sougia! Not sure how this could have happened :o)

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