Lone Peak, April 25, 2013.

Lone Peak, April 25, 2013.

This photo shows my boot track up the final portion of the north summit ridge of Lone Peak after a successful solo ascent. After looking up at Lone from the valley during late April of this year the bait was just too much, it had to be done. I made a goal after this first ascent to do Lone at least 20 times during 2013, which was reached a week back after three separate ascents to the summit within 6 days. Ascent 21 was done this morning. The snow conditions on the ridge for this one were perfect, getting up and down the crux earlier in the a.m. before the afternoon heat turned the snow to gulash. A black diamond whippet really helped on this ascent, and several others each week thereafter while the snow was on the ridge. This was ascent #1 of 21 so far this year (2013) to the summit of Lone. I plan on reaching the summit one or two times a week, time permitting, until snow conditions make things too dicey. Then it's onto more redundant weekly slogs up Mt. Olympus to the north.
Wasatch Summits
on Sep 20, 2013 11:38 pm
Image ID: 868553


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