Mas Cahones Hill Climber's Log

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Scott - Jan 7, 2019 4:56 pm Date Climbed: Dec 27, 2018

Mas Cahones  Sucess!

I hiked up Mas Cahones Hill from Windwardside. I had better views from here than from Mount Scenery the day before since it was sunnier. After climbing Mas Cahines Hill I then returned to Windwardside and walked down the roads to find the Spring Bay Track. After searching around a bit I found the Spring Bay Track. I hiked this down to the saddle west of Old Booby Hill. I then climbed up the steep goat tracks to the summit of Old booby, while trying to avoid the posionous Manchineel trees. After enjoying the view I returned down to the saddle and took the track down to Spring Bay where I saw a huge iguana. There were lots of goats and lizards out and about as well. There was a also a lot of birdlife.

After exploring Spring Bay, I found the track and hiked up Kelby's Ridge to the road near the airport. From there I hiked most of the road back to Windwardside before getting a ride the rest of the way back.

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