"After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, which is the most horrible thing in the world."
--Oscar Wilde on Absinthe
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Decon - Mar 13, 2024 9:19 am Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2015
love this areaMy brother and I decided to do this summit and I am so happy we did. I am so drawn to this area and the views from the summit are stunning.
greglief - Aug 31, 2020 9:09 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2018
Matterhorn!As most people do, we backpacked to Ice Lake, and started from there. Our views to the south and east were stunted by wildfire smoke, but we were not disappointed. We shall return for Peak 9775 and Sacajawea.
cascadescrambler - Aug 7, 2019 10:21 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 1994
From Ice LakeScrambled from Ice Lake. We didn't like the looks of the scree chute so we decided to do a class 3 line up the rocks to the right
calebEOC - Sep 15, 2018 3:12 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2018
Ice Lake TrailBeen hiking in the Wallowas for awhile but had never been up the Matterhorn. Did half the Sacajawea Traverse, the Hurwal Traverse looks interesting, would like to try that sometime also.
Xander Culver - May 30, 2018 10:42 pm Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2016
Awesome Sunrise HikeSweet hike/scramble to the summit from Ice Lake.
gimpilator - Oct 20, 2017 2:35 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2017
35 peaks in 16 daysRoad trip! Did this ridge traverse the day after Eagle Cap. Trip report
Judd97 - Sep 7, 2017 10:59 am Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2017
Holy crap, long dayLooooooooooong day hiking in from Wallowa Lake trailhead, to the Matterhorn, across the ridge to Peak 9775 and back down. Skipped on Sacajawea due to fatigue and it getting late. Still got back to the car at dark after a 14 hour, 22 mile day. LOVED Ice Lake and the Wallowas; very impressive mountain range.
triyoda - Sep 4, 2017 2:18 am Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2017
Best view of the WallowasMade it up early for some clear views before smoky haze rolled in later in the day.
Rockawilliam - Jul 12, 2016 9:42 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2016
Wallowa TraverseI liked this peak so much, I came back a week later with Josh Lewis to introduce him to these beautiful mountains.
Rockawilliam - Jul 2, 2016 6:59 pm Date Climbed: Jun 30, 2016
Ice LakeThis was my first trip climbing in the Wallowas and I sure to return many times in the future. I love the geology and how the Matterhorn is situated right in the middle of the range. Cammie and I saw mountain goats on the way up and enjoyed every minute of this beautiful place. Spectacular!
mdt81 - Oct 17, 2015 8:26 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2012
Ice Lake ApproachGreat trip
locke456 - Oct 8, 2013 10:39 pm Date Climbed: Nov 5, 2012
Ice Lake: Best Camping Spot Ever?Route: East Ridge via Ice Lake
A pretty straightforward (and frankly boring, by Wallowas standards) switchbacking hike for the first few miles, but once you top out at Ice Lake, it's all more than worth it. What a beautiful place in early November snow. Camped there overnight during a full moon and hardly slept because I spent half the night scrambling around on the rocks near my campsite and taking in the moonlight shining off the ice on top of the peak.
The next morning's climb was gorgeous and pretty straightforward. With deep, new(ish) snow and high winds, the ridge up to the face was a little hairy, but luckily I'd brought crampons.
louhibbard - Aug 18, 2013 10:53 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2013
Matterhorn/SacajaweaFun dayhike - liked the ridge traverse and loved the easy scree/sand descent. Went via Ice Lake.
Did anyone else notice the great big "kettlehole" a little below the ridge line between Matterhorn and intermediate peak. Maybe 20' wide and at least 40' deep. Glacier ground?
Taylor's Falls in Minnesota has similar ones.
droot - Sep 25, 2012 10:03 am Date Climbed: Sep 22, 2012
From Ice LakePretty straightforward trail from Ice Lake leads to the summit. Nice views from the top, and the west face is quite the sight to see. Afterwards we traversed the ridge over to Sacajawea, which is a much funner mountain to climb.
There was no summit register when we climbed, and people were scratching their names in the rocks sadly enough. Needs a new register.
idpeakgirl - Jul 24, 2011 4:42 pm Date Climbed: Aug 15, 2004
From Thorp CreekIt was worthwhile going in this way and having the secluded campsite, away from Ice Lake.
mnpalerm - Feb 18, 2011 9:27 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2010
Matterhorn dayhike!This was such a nice day hike, just about 20 miles! I intended on camping at Ice Lake but lost my tent poles somewhere along the trail. Hardly any people at all, no tracks in the snow up the summit. Great solitude and awesome view!
mansfieo - Dec 20, 2010 11:07 pm
from ice lakeice lake was really cold
Snowslogger - Aug 24, 2010 3:43 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2010
ThreeFer (maybe four)Great solo trip. From Ice Lake to the Matterhorn (my third, counting Disneyland and the Sierra), peak 9775, Sacajawea, and Hurwal Divide.
Troy B - Jul 31, 2010 1:07 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2010
Route: Ice LakeLeft late on the 29th and hiked up for an overnighter at Ice Lake. Made an early ascent up Matterhorn then traversed over to Sacajawea Pk. Nice view of the lakes basin from the summit. Excellent trip.
lloyd - May 3, 2010 1:31 am
A looong &and fun day.