Climbed in the 1990's via the route in Steve Allen's book (which is similar to the route described here). No ropes were used on the descent or ascent, though we did take one for a handline/packs in case we needed it.
Diggler - Dec 4, 2012 3:37 pm Date Climbed: Oct 30, 2012
Great day out!
Adventurous outing! A great day to be in the desert!
Scott - Dec 4, 2012 4:44 pm
MexicanClimbed in the 1990's via the route in Steve Allen's book (which is similar to the route described here). No ropes were used on the descent or ascent, though we did take one for a handline/packs in case we needed it.
Diggler - Dec 4, 2012 3:37 pm Date Climbed: Oct 30, 2012
Great day out!Adventurous outing! A great day to be in the desert!